Safe Pharmacy

Since 1986 in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh.

Contact Us

Our Vision

To be the most trusted community pharmacies.

Our Message

Excellence in serving our customers, by offering valuable consultations by a selection of experts, and providing the premium quality products in the medical field and cosmetics, through our branches.

Our Values

  • Transparency

  • Creativity

  • Interest

  • Independence

Our History

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Safe Medical Company is one of the specialized companies in providing pharmaceutical services, medical supplies and cosmetics. It was established in 1986 in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh to be one of the leading companies in this field.
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In 1986, It was established with two branches under the name of Ibn Al-Mundhir Pharmacies, then it expanded with more than four branches throughout the city of Riyadh under the name of Al-Qafary Medical Pharmacies.
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In 2000, It expanded by opening other pharmacies in the name of Al Wefaq Medical Pharmacies, with more than ten branches.
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In 2018, we developed a new trend by operating pharmacies in clinics and hospitals with various specialties, including psychological and cosmetic.
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Then, in 2020, we unified the name of the rest of the branches to Safe Pharmacies and opened several branches to be more comprehensive and well distributed.
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In 2021, the foundation was transformed into a company called Safe Medical Company.